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Businesses cannot operate without a workforce, but employment brings with it certain responsibilities, obligations, and duties. Clear communication and strict compliance with labor and employment matters are keys to successful businesses.

What is Labor and Employment Law?

Labor and employment law governs the legal relationship between employers, employees, and labor unions in the workplace.

Helmsing Leach’s labor and employment lawyers in Mobile, AL offer comprehensive legal solutions to address the diverse needs and challenges faced by employers in Alabama. We are committed to partnering with businesses to achieve their goals while minimizing legal risks and maximizing workplace success.

Our Labor and Employment consulting practice includes compliance with federal labor and employment law, including:

Our employment lawyers in Alabama provide advice regarding compliance with employment policies and procedures and with state and federal law governing the relationships between employer and employee, including sexual harassment policies, complaint investigation, personnel policies and handbooks, disciplinary actions, wage and hour compliance, arbitration agreements, employment agreements, covenants not to compete (non-competition agreements), non-solicitation agreements, confidentiality agreements, non-disclosure agreements, and agreements pertaining to the protection of trade secrets.

Helmsing Leach attorneys also counsel clients on compensation plans, including deferred compensation, incentive stock option, stock bonus, employee stock ownership, profit-sharing, pension, health care and other employee benefit plans.

Our Labor and Employment litigation practice includes:

Success Stories

Maximize Compliance with the Help of Our Labor Law Attorneys

Employment attorneys are crucial in protecting the interests of both employers and employees. Business owners, HR professionals, employees, and labor unions in Alabama facing employment law challenges turn to Helmsing Leach—the best labor law lawyers in Alabama—for expert guidance and representation.

Not only do our skilled employment lawyers assist companies in corporate and business transactions, navigating potential problems related to termination, discrimination, and other employment matters, but they also help prevent these issues from arising in the first place.

Question & Answer

If you’re facing a legal dispute, it’s essential to seek legal representation as soon as possible. Our attorneys can evaluate your case, advise you on your rights and options, and protect your interests by representing you in negotiations or litigation.

What are the key labor laws that businesses in Alabama need to comply with?

Alabama businesses must adhere to various federal laws, such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which governs minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor standards. Additionally, state-specific regulations, including the Alabama Workers’ Compensation Law and the Alabama Employment Protection Act, impact employer-employee relationships. Our labor law lawyers provide comprehensive legal guidance to ensure businesses understand and comply with these laws, minimizing the risk of violations and penalties.

Alabama employers must navigate complex anti-discrimination laws enforced by federal agencies like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Alabama Human Rights Commission (AHRC). Our attorneys assist businesses in creating and implementing policies and procedures to prevent discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, age, disability, and religion. In the event of discrimination claims, our labor law and employment lawyers offer strategic representation to protect employers’ interests and reputations.

Employers in Alabama face various employee grievances and disputes, including harassment allegations, wage disputes, and wrongful termination claims. Our employment lawyers in Alabama advise businesses on proactive measures to prevent conflicts, such as implementing effective communication channels and grievance procedures. In cases of disputes, we offer mediation, negotiation, and litigation services to resolve conflicts efficiently while safeguarding our clients’ rights and interests.

Protecting intellectual property rights is crucial for businesses to maintain a competitive edge. Helmsing Leach attorneys assist businesses in drafting and enforcing non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), non-compete agreements, and confidentiality agreements to safeguard proprietary information and trade secrets. In cases of intellectual property disputes, including theft or infringement, our legal team provides aggressive representation to protect our clients’ interests and seek appropriate remedies under Alabama law.