Casey Pipes speaks at ALI-ABA Eminent Domain Seminar

Casey Pipes co-presented a continuing legal education seminar at the 2009 ALI-ABA Condemnation 101: How To Prepare and Present an Eminent Domain Case seminar in Miami, Florida. Casey’s topic this year was on Basic Exhibits That Help Win Condemnation Cases.

This seminar is an annual three-day seminar that runs concurrently with the more advanced ALI-ABA Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation seminar.

John Leach Participates in 2008 Professionalism Consortium

John Leach served as one of the six panelists at the 2008 Professionalism Consortium organized by the Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism. Mr. Leach’s topic was “Setting a Tone by Your Values: What Qualities Do Law Firms Value?” Invited attendees included Deans of the law schools in Alabama, members of the Alabama Appellate courts, State Bar Commissioners, Presiding Judges of the Circuit Courts, and local Bar Association presidents.

Casey Pipes Moderates an ABA Teleconference Panel

Casey Pipes moderated an ABA Teleconference entitled “Environmental Regulations – Compensable Takings or Permissible Legislation?” along with panelists from across the country. The purpose of the teleconference was to discuss the current state of the law in the context of a few real world situations where environmental regulations have led to regulatory takings claims.

Pipes and Herlong Speak at ALI-ABA Eminent Domain Seminar

Casey Pipes and Warren Herlong presented several papers at the 2008 ALI-ABA Eminent Domain and Land Value Litigation seminar in San Francisco. This is an annual three-day seminar that draws attorneys and real estate appraisers from around the country.

Casey Pipes Co-Chairs CLE International Seminar

Casey Pipes was the co-chair and a presenter at the CLE International Land Use Law seminar in Birmingham, Alabama. The two-day seminar examined all aspects of the land use and entitlement approval process in Alabama. Casey’s paper discussed the permissible and impermissible ways to annex land into a municipality along with certain zoning assurances or commitments.

Casey Pipes participates in Panel Discussion at ABA Annual Meeting

Casey Pipes was part of a panel discussion at a substantive breakfast meeting at the American Bar Association’s Annual Meeting in San Francisco. The panel discussion was co-sponsored by the Environmental Litigation Subcommittee and the Condemnation, Zoning and Land Use Subcommittee. The discussion centered on the dividing line between compensable takings and non-compensable legislation in the context of current environmental regulations.